Auchentiber Battery Energy Storage Facility

Application for consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate a battery energy storage facility with associated infrastructure, substation, security fencing, CCTV, security lighting and landscaping on land at Auchentiber Farm, Auchentiber Road, Port Glasgow, Inverclyde, PA13 4SP (Central Grid Reference: X 231683, Y 671403). The installed capacity of the proposed generating station would be up to 700 MW.

The Site

The proposed site is located in the open countryside, approximately 2.1km south of the town of Port Glasgow.

The site comprises approximately 16.39 hectares of land in total, and is located within the administrative area of Inverclyde Council.

The location of the proposed battery storage facility and associated infrastructure is on land at Auchentiber Farm, Auchentiber Road, Port Glasgow, Inverclyde, PA13 4SP.

Grid Reference: X 231683, Y 671403

What is Battery Storage?

Battery storage is a technology that enables energy to be stored for later use. The storage system charges (or collects energy) from the grid, conventional power plant or renewable energy development and then discharges that energy at a later time.

Increasing needs for system flexibility has enabled battery storage to play an increasing role in the grid power system in recent years and as the provision of wind and solar deployment increases, more policymakers, regulators and utilities are seeking to develop policies to encourage such projects.

Battery storage can enhance power system flexibility and enable high levels of renewable energy integration.

The Proposal

The applicant is seeking to build and operate a 700MW Battery Storage System. The redline boundary allows for all development associated with the proposed development. The development is proposed as shown on Drawing reference APA-700-DR-PL-003 (see submitted documents list to view).

The elements of the development include:

·    280 BESS units
·    140 BESS Transformers
·    280 BESS Inverters
·    Three 33kV Switchrooms
·    Car Park
·    Security Fencing
·    Security Lighting (this will not be lit 24 hours)
·    CCTV
·    400kV Control Building
·    Landscaping
·    Access road
·    400kV to 33kV Transformer Compound

The batteries will be containerised and will consist of Lithium-lon. The exact batteries to be used are unknown at this stage as the battery industry continues to evolve. The designs are constantly improving, therefore the final detail of the battery for this development will be confirmed prior to construction. The equipment would be positioned on a levelled stoned platform. The individual elements of the development would be positioned on concrete plinths. The exact requirements for foundations will be decided on by the equipment suppliers requirements. The final route of the grid connection has yet to be confirmed, however it is expected that the route would go north out of the compound, west along Auchentiber Road and then north along the B788 to Devol Moor substation. 

Site Layout


Between 26th July and 29th August 2023, AAH Consultants undertook the following activities in order to share information with the community and to provide space wherein individuals and/or groups could give feedback on the outline proposal.

Consultation Undertaken
  • Two community consultation events held at Port Glasgow Golf Club on Tuesday 8th and Tuesday 22nd August 2023 which were advertised in the Greenock Telegraph on 26th July and 9th August 2023 respectively.
  • A letter was sent out to all nearby residents advising them of the consultation events along with a reminder letter for the second event.
  • A website has been set up, hosting information about the proposal and consultation events including key documents and plan.
  • Key stakeholders including relevant Community Councils, Local Councillors, MSP's and the relevant MP were contacted via email and provided with a copy of the neighbour letter and a site location plan.

An EIA screening request was submitted to the ECU on the 15th June 2023 and on 18th August 2023, the Screening Opinion received from the ECU (application reference ECU00004834) concluded the Proposed Development does not constitute as EIA development. As part of this process the Scottish Minsters sought a view from Inverclyde Council who also confirmed that it was their view the development was not EIA.